A Guide to Aging Tap Water

Aging tap water can significantly enhance its quality by allowing it to naturally dissipate any lingering chlorine. Aging tap water involves a simple yet effective process that lets the water undergo chemical reactions and aeration, resulting in a safer chemical composition for your aquatic creatures and plants. In this article, we will explore the benefits of aging tap water, the correct methods to age it safely, and the factors to consider for optimal results.

The Benefits of Aging Tap Water

  1. Chlorine Dissipation: One of the main reasons to age tap water is to allow chlorine, commonly used to disinfect water supplies, to dissipate. When exposed to air, chlorine will naturally evaporate, reducing its concentration in the water. This can be particularly beneficial for fish and other aquatic creatures sensitive to chlorine.
  2. Freshly drawn tap water may sometimes carry a subtle, metallic, or earthy taste, commonly attributed to dissolved minerals, and iron. Aging water allows these minerals to settle down, leading to a cleaner solution.
  3. Aeration: Aging tap water involves exposing it to air for an extended period (a minimum of 24 hours recommended). This process helps to aerate the water, allowing any dissolved gases to escape.

Methods to Age Tap Water

  1. Open-Air Aging:
    • Fill a clean container, such as a pitcher or a glass bottle, with tap water.
    • Leave the container uncovered at room temperature for a minimum of 24 hours, and ideally up to 48 hours, depending on your preferences.
  2. Refrigeration Aging:
    • Fill a clean container with tap water.
    • Cover the container loosely with a lid or cloth to allow for some air circulation.
    • Place the container in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours.

Factors to Consider

  1. Container Selection: Use a container made of glass, ceramic, or stainless steel for aging tap water. Avoid using plastic containers, as they may leach unwanted compounds into the water.
  2. Cleanliness: Ensure that the container used for aging is thoroughly cleaned before filling it with tap water. Proper hygiene prevents any contamination during the aging process.
  3. Temperature: If you opt for open-air aging, keep in mind that warmer temperatures generally facilitate faster chlorine evaporation. However, avoid extreme temperatures, as they may lead to undesirable microbial growth.
  4. Duration: While a minimum of 24 hours is recommended for aging tap water, some people may prefer longer aging periods for a more noticeable difference in quality.
  5. Local Water Quality: The benefits of aging tap water may vary depending on your local water quality. Some regions may have water with stronger chlorine flavors or higher mineral content, making the aging process more impactful.


Aging tap water is a simple and natural method to improve its quality. By allowing chlorine to dissipate and minerals to settle down, aging tap water leads to a smoother and more balanced chemical water composition, suitable for aquatic environment. Whether you choose the open-air aging method or opt for refrigeration, remember to use clean and appropriate containers for the best results.