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Live Phytoplankton (Greenwater) starter

$19.90 GST inc.


Greenwater (pythoplankton) is an ideal fry food that is easy to culture and provides a highly nutritious algae ‘soup’ of feed for Daphnia, shrimps and fry, promoting faster healthier growth.

Greenwater is water that has been taken over by algae (Phytoplankton), turning it green. Algae will naturally develop in an aquarium, but it’s not enough to sustain a batch of newly born fry. Adding extra Greenwater algae is a quick, easy and cheap way to provide some plant nutrition to your fry and fish.

Greenwater is perfect for herbivorous fish that require plant material in order to develop a strong immune system. Greenwater is also a great feed for Daphnia.

Our greenwater Kit includes the following:

  1. 250 milliliters of green water culture
  2. Instruction manual on how to set up and maintain your never-ending supply of greenwater


Note: We recommend dosing 1 mL of Guillard’s F/2 fertilizer medium per liter of culture volume.



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