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Wolffia arrhiza, Watermeal Duckweed – Starter Culture

$12.50 GST inc.


Wolffia arrhiza is a species of flowering plant known by the common names Spotless watermeal and Rootless duckweed.

Duckweeds can be very beneficial to your freshwater tank, provided that their growth is regulated by routine clearing. A few of the benefits of introducing duckweed to your aquarium include:

This tiny plant is a nutritious food. Its green part is about 40% protein and about 40% starch. It contains a large number of essential amino acids, relatively large amounts of dietary minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and vitamin B12.

Great food source
Wolffia arrhiza (or Spotless Watermeal) is low in fiber and rich in protein, it is a good source of snack for herbivores in your tank to munch on. It is a rich source of protein and can be used as a major feed for some herbivorous fish.

A great habitat for aquatic life
Wolffia arrhiza gives ambiance of nature to the water body, the lush green cover makes the water body more natural-looking, mimicking the appearance of wildlife habitat for your fish and fry.

Water filtration
Wolffia arrhiza is great in effectively absorbing phosphates, nitrates, ammonia, other chemicals, and even toxins in the tank, thus improving the water quality of the tank by preventing the accumulation of unwanted toxic chemicals.

Control of Algae and bacteria
The extensive coverage provided by Wolffia arrhiza limits sunlight from entering the tank, thus, limiting the amount of sunlight entering the water body, and ultimately resulting in the reduction of algae and cyanobacteria which require sunlight to thrive.

How fast does Wolffia arrhiza grow?
Wolffia arrhiza is one of the fastest growing plants on earth. Some duckweed species have been found to replicate in as little as 2 days! Under the right conditions.

What’s included in this starter cultivating kit:
1. Wolffia arrhiza (Watermeal Duckweed) starter culture. Covering an area of
approximately 12cm long by 12 cm wide.
2. Cultivation and care instruction.

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